ZBGIS® - Territorial and Administrative Arrangement
Administrative boundaries are one of the thematic categoriesof ZBGIS® - geographical database containing information on topographic elements from the entire territory of the Slovak Republic. From the view of GKU products, it is the basic level of Territorial-Administrative Arrangement. A class of territorial-technical units (boundaries of cadastral districts) has also been added to this product.
Data of Territorial and Administrative Arrangement is generated from approvedcadastral district boundaries from a source database created from Vector Cadastral Map (VKM). Based on the valid list of municipalities, parts of municipalities and military districts, the administrative boundaries - Municipality (slk: obec), District (slk: okres), Region (slk: kraj) - are prepared in a semiautomatic way. Feature class - Municipality interprets the smallest territorial-administrative unit, an area that consists of one or more cadastral districts serving for the execution of state administration and local government. Feature class - District interprets a territorial-administrative unit consisting of municipalities serving for the execution of state administration. Feature class - Region interprets the highest territorial-administrative unit of state administration consisting of districts. The features are represented by a vector spatial component and a descriptive component containing the qualitative and quantitative information defined in the KTO ZBGIS®.
The Territorial and Administrative Arrangement of the Slovak Republic is provided in four levels according toselected display scale - Basic level and three generalized levels. The layers of the Territorial-Administrative Arrangement of the generalized levels 1, 2 and 3 were created by generalizing the Basic level from the source database created from the Vector Cadastral Map. The Basic level consists of source data from VKM that has geodetic accuracy and is provided in the S-JTSK coordinate system. Generalized levels 1, 2 and 3 were created by generalizing the Basic level by meeting the minimum vertex distance condition.
Basic level / ZBGIS - Administrative boundaries.
Suitable for scales: up to 1: 7 000. -
First level of generalization - with a minimum point spacing of 10 meters (POINT REMOVE).
Suitable for scales: 1: 7 000 - 1: 50 000. -
Second level of generalization - with a minimum point spacing of 50 meters (POINT REMOVE).
Suitable for scales: 1: 100 000 - 1: 250 000. -
Third level of generalization - with a minimum point spacing of 140 meters (POINT REMOVE).
Suitable for scales: 1: 250 000 - 1: 500 000.Official area of technical and territorial units is in the VYMERA (AREA) column.
The Basic and generalized levels 1,2 and 3 are provided free of charge.