Orthophotomosaic of Slovakia

The vast majority of decisions made within public administration have a spatial aspect. For this reason, it is essential that the public administration has accurate, reliable and up-to-date spatial data. In view of the rapidly changing landscape, mainly due to human activity, spatial data needs to be collected and updated using methods that are highly efficient, effective and fast. Such methods also include airborne imagery which results are processed into digital orthophotographs or orthophotomosaic. In view of the above, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic and the Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic agreed on joint cooperation in the creation of the Orthophotomosaic of the Slovak Republic. Subordinate organizations - National Forest Centre (NLC) and Geodetic and Cartographic Institute Bratislava (GKÚ) were entrusted with this implementation.

The first production cycle (2017-2019) of the orthophotomosaic was completed in 2020. The airborne imagery was taken in the western part of Slovakia in 2017, in the central part of Slovakia in 2018 and in the eastern part of Slovakia in 2019.

The second production cycle (2020-2022) of the Orthophotomosaic was finished in 2023. The airborne imagery was taken in the western part of Slovakia in 2020, in the central part of Slovakia in 2021 and in the eastern part of Slovakia in 2022.

The third production cycle (2023-2025) of the Orthophotomosaic has begun in 2023. The airborne imagery was taken in the western part of Slovakia in 2023. In the central part of Slovakia airborne imagery will be take in 2024 and in the eastern part of Slovakia in 2025.

Plan for airborne imagery of the Slovakia territory in the 3rd cycle:

Actual Orthophotomosaic for download
Western part 2023 (RGB-NIR) ZIP1 (135 GB) ZIP2 (121 GB) ZIP3 (192 GB) ZIP4 (179 GB)  ZIP5 (143 GB)
Western part 2023 (RGB) ZIP1 (134 GB) ZIP2 (128 GB)      
Central part 2021 (RGB) ZIP1 (69 GB) ZIP2 (81 GB)      
Eastern part 2022 (RGB) ZIP1 (84 GB) ZIP2 (82 GB)      
Licence terms          

Overview of the division of the actual Orthophotomosaics of the Slovak Republic RGB variant in ZIP files for download

Data of a smaller extent, up to 20 map sheets, are freely downloadable through the MAPKA application. More information HERE. Orthophotomosaic data shall be subject to the Terms and conditions of provision and use of Orthtophotomosaic.

Overview of airborne imageries, from which Orthophotomosaic of Slovakia 2023-2025 (3rd cycle) was created, together with the exact date of their creation is available in ESRI Shapefile format for download HERE.

Map sheet layout 
1 : 5000  Esri GDB  Esri SHP  GeoPackage

Orthophotomosaic map sheet layout
Orthophotomosaic map sheet layout (administrative borders exluded)

Orthophotomosaic in web application MAPKA:


Comparison of basic information and parameters about the 1st, 2nd and 3rd production cycle of Orthophotomosaics of Slovakia


1st cycle

2nd cycle

3rd cycle

Cycle duration:

3 years (2017-2019)

3 years (2020-2022)

3 years (2023-2025)

Imaging period:

vegetation season (1.5. - 30.9.)

vegetation season (1.5. - 17.10.)

vegetation season (1.5. - 30.9.)

Ground Sampling Distance (GSD):

25 cm/pixel

20 cm/pixel

15 cm/pixel

Number of channels:

3 (RGB, 8-bit)

4 (RGBN, 8-bit)

4 (RGBN, 8-bit)





1 map sheet size:

10 000 x 8 000 pixels

12 500 x 10 000 pixels

16 668 x 13 335 pixelov

Coordinate reference system:

S-JTSK(JTSK) - code EPSG:5514

S-JTSK(JTSK) - code EPSG:5514

S-JTSK(JTSK) - code EPSG:5514

Root mean square error RMSExy:

0,30 m

0,21 m

0,17 m (western part)


Updated: 08.07.2024