
Territorial and Administrative Arrangement    Format
Basic level / ZBGIS - Administrative boundaries GPKG Esri GDB Esri SHP CSV
First level of generalization GPKG Esri GDB Esri SHP  
Second level of generalization GPKG Esri GDB Esri SHP  
Third level of generalization GPKG Esri GDB Esri SHP  

Boundaries of territorial and administrative arrangement and cadastral districts of the Slovak Republic in the Basic level and 1st, 2nd and 3rd levels of generalization.
These are polygons with name and code attributes. Boundaries are in coordinate reference system S-JTSK[JTSK] (code EPSG:5514). The status of the data provided is as of 28th February 2023. Details can be found here.
If you need other formats, please use the Conversion Service available here.

License terms  
 Author GKÚ Bratislava
 License  CC-BY 4.0 


 Geographical Names
 Format Esri SHP Esri MDB Esri GDB CSV

Data from the Database of Standardized Geographical Names from the territory of the Slovak Republic, updated on 20th July 2023. Files contain ZBGIS feature classes: Geografický názov (Historický názov, Variantný názov), Geografický názov - Katastrálne územie, Geografický názov - Časť obce, Geografický názov - Obec, Geografický názov - Okres, Geografický názov - Kraj, Geografický názov - Slovenská republika.

License terms  
 Author GKÚ Bratislava
 License  CC-BY 4.0 


Orthophotomosaic of Slovakia for download (actual)
Western part 2023 (RGB-NIR) ZIP1 (135 GB) ZIP2 (121 GB) ZIP3 (192 GB) ZIP4 (179 GB)  ZIP5 (143 GB)
Western part 2023 (RGB) ZIP1 (134 GB) ZIP2 (128 GB)      
Central part 2021 (RGB) ZIP1 (69 GB) ZIP2 (81 GB)      
Eastern part 2022 (RGB) ZIP1 (84 GB) ZIP2 (82 GB)      
Licence terms          


Orthophotomosaic of Slovakia - 1st production cycle 2017-2019
Western part 2017 (RGB) ZIP (94 GB)
Central part 2018 (RGB) ZIP (86 GB)
Eastern part 2019 (RGB) ZIP (93 GB) 
Information (parameters, accuracy)  
Licence terms  


Orthophotomosaic of Slovakia - 2nd production cycle 2020-2022
Western part 2020 (RGB-NIR) ZIP1 (98 GB) ZIP2 (95 GB) ZIP3 (127 GB) ZIP4 (113 GB) ZIP5 (121 GB)
Western part 2020 (RGB) ZIP1 (88 GB) ZIP2 (81 GB)      
Central part 2021 (RGB-NIR) ZIP1 (90 GB) ZIP2 (86 GB) ZIP3 (86 GB ZIP4 (79 GB) ZIP5 (100 GB)
Central part 2021 (RGB) ZIP1 (73 GB) ZIP2 (85 GB)      
Eastern part 2022 (RGB-NIR) ZIP1 (119 GB) ZIP2 (91 GB) ZIP3 (64 GB) ZIP4 (118 GB) ZIP5 (93 GB)
Eastern part 2022 (RGB) ZIP1 (84 GB) ZIP2 (82 GB)      
Information (parameters, accuracy)          
Licence terms          

Data of a smaller extent, up to 20 map sheets, are freely downloadable through the MAPKA application, the download procedure is desribed in the Help.

Orthophotomosaic data are provided free of charge and shall be subject to the Terms and conditions of provision and use.


Products of Airborne Laser Scanning: Classified Point Cloud, Digital Terrain Model (DTM 5.0), Digital Surface Model (DSM 1.0)

Information about the provision of ALS products from the 1st and 2nd cycle is here.


Digital Terrain Model DMR3.5
 Rosolution 10 m 25 m 50 m 100 m

DMR3.5 data is provided in TIFF format in the S-JTSK coordinate system and the Baltic vertical system.

License terms  
 Author GKÚ Bratislava
 License  CC-BY 4.0 


Product ZBGIS® Raster in scales 1:5 000, 1:10 000, 1:25 000 a 1:50 000 is possible download via the MAPKA application, the download procedure is desribed in the Help. ZBGIS® Raster is provided free of charge and shall be subject to  the Terms and conditions for the provision and use.

ZBGIS rasters for download
ZBGIS Raster 1:5000 ZIP (93 GB)
ZBGIS Raster 1:10 000 ZIP (35 GB)
ZBGIS Raster 1:25 000 ZIP (7 GB)
ZBGIS Raster 1:50 000 ZIP (2 GB)


Layouts of ZBGIS Raster map sheets Format

ZBGIS Raster

1 : 5 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB  GeoPackage DGN DXF
1 : 10 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB GeoPackage DGN DXF
1 : 25 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB GeoPackage DGN DXF
1 : 50 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB GeoPackage DGN DXF


License terms for map sheets layouts  
 Author GKÚ Bratislava
 License  CC-BY 4.0 


Sample of ZBGIS data
 Format Esri SHP Esri MDB Esri GDB DGN DXF

The ZBGIS® data in the sample is divided according to its affiliation into categories according to the ZBGIS® Feature Catalogue (KTO ZBGIS®). The sample contains data on some parts of the municipalities of Čakajovce, Zbehy and Lužianky near Nitra. Instructions for exporting to CAD formats is here (Slovak only).


VMapSK data sample - 1 map sheet of ZM10 (35-43-21)
Format Esri SHP

The data of the VECTOR MAP OF SLOVAKIA IN THE 1: 200 000 SCALE (VMapSK) is in the sample divided according to its affiliation into categories according to the GKU price list. Rozsah mapového listu ZM 1:10 000 (35-43-21) zobrazuje územie obcí Čakajovce, Zbehy a Lužianky pri Nitre.
Poznámka: Esri databázy MDB a GDB sú vo verzii 10.0.


Layout of map sheets Format

Basic maps

ZM 1 : 10 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB  GeoPackage
ZM 1 : 25 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB GeoPackage
ZM 1 : 50 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB GeoPackage
ZM 1 : 100 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB GeoPackage
ZM 1 : 200 000 Esri SHP Esri GDB GeoPackage


License terms  
 Author GKÚ Bratislava
 License  CC-BY 4.0 



Updated: 04.11.2024